Why is it recommendable to carry out maritime maintenance using ultrasound cleaning? The main reason is that, in the long-term, this type of maintenance makes it possible to minimise operating and labour costs. This occurs thanks to the use of ultrasound by achieving deep cleaning of each piece subjected to this process, which isn´t possible to perform using human labour or with traditional methods.
In order to clean large components, we manufacture machines tailored to the needs of each maritime element, therefore it is possible to clean any piece, tool or object.
Marine turbo cleaning
Another reason why this type of cleaning is recommended is because this process is able to completely eliminate rust, making it possible to extend durability and useful life.
Ultrasound maintenance is recommended for all types of marine equipment and vehicles, as well as for large cylinder heads, injectors, pistons, exchangers, turbos and all kinds of mechanical components. Thus, it manages to eliminate the highest possible quantity of oil, grease and other elements resulting from combustion. Also, the ultrasound equipment is designed with high-resistance materials, making it robust and compact equipment.
7500 litre capacity